Autore: ESG.IAMA

  • ALIFOND adopts ESG.IAMA for its calls for proposal

    January 23, 2025ALIFOND has adopted ESG.IAMA to evaluate the sustainability level of Asset Managers. In this case, the tool is used for its calls for proposal and mandate renewal activities.

  • Assoreti joins the Scientific Committee of ESG.IAMA

    January 14, 2025Assoreti joins the ESG.IAMA Scientific Committee as a member representing Investment Advisory Companies. The ESG.IAMA (ESG Identity Asset Manager Assessment) project, developed by ET.Group since 2022, is the first international standard for assessing the ESG Identity of Asset Managers, born out of the realization that the world of finance is facing a phase…

  • Previndai adopts ESG.IAMA for its calls for proposal

    November 27, 2024Previndai – Fondo Pensione has adopted ESG.IAMA to evaluate the sustainability level of Asset Managers. In this case, the tool is used for its calls for proposal, mandate renewals and fund selection activities.

  • Assoprevidenza adopts ESG.IAMA

    November 25, 2024Assoprevidenza, the Italian Association for Supplementary Pensions, has approved an agreement with ET.Group – ESG Knowledge Company, thanks to which all ESG.IAMA data and results will be shared with the Association itself and its member pension and welfare forms (subject to authorization from the required Asset Managers). This allows the world of supplementary…

  • salone.SRI 2024: awarded the International ESG Identity Awards

    November 19, 2024The International ESG Identity Awards 2024 were presented last night, Monday, November 18. The presentation took place during the ceremony that closed the first day of the salone.SRI in Borsa Italiana (Italian Stock Exchange). Luca Testoni, founder of ET.Group and salone.SRI, commented: ‘It is significant that, in a very challenging scenario for the…

  • The Scientific Committee of ESG.IAMA is born

    November 5, 2024The Scientific Committee of ESG.IAMA has been formed and will be officially presented to the public on November 18, on the reserved day of salone.SRI 2024, at the Italian Stock Exchange. The world of finance faces a phase of great change and entropy. Most products on the market claim to be “sustainable,” and…

  • Snam adopts ESG.IAMA for its IR activities

    September 23, 2024Snam has been the first corporation to start using the ESG.IAMA standard as a tool to study the Asset Managers’ ESG practices and evaluate their sustanability. In this case, the standard is used as a tool for investor relations activities.

  • La Cassa di Ravenna adopts ESG.IAMA for its fund selection activities

    July 31, 2024La Cassa di Ravenna has been the first italian savings bank to start using the ESG.IAMA standard as a tool to assess the sustainability of Asset Managers. In this case, the standard is used for the evaluation of Asset Managers for the fund selection activities.

  • Assofondipensione adopts ESG.IAMA, tool that evaluates Asset Managers

    July 24, 2024Assofondipensione has approved the agreement thanks to which all the data and scores of Asset Managers participating in ESG.IAMA will be shared with the Association itself, and its 32 member pension funds, to be used for bidding and mandate renewal activities, and which will allow, more generally, an effective ESG engagement of Asset…

  • BCC Risparmio & Previdenza adopts ESG.IAMA for its fund selection activities

    July 17, 2024BCC Risparmio & Previdenza sgr has decided to follow Volksbank as the second italian bank to use the ESG.IAMA standard as a tool to assess the sustainability of Asset Managers in order to help during the fund selection activities.