January 14, 2025

Assoreti joins the ESG.IAMA Scientific Committee as a member representing Investment Advisory Companies. The ESG.IAMA (ESG Identity Asset Manager Assessment) project, developed by ET.Group since 2022, is the first international standard for assessing the ESG Identity of Asset Managers, born out of the realization that the world of finance is facing a phase of great change and increasingly needs reliable information. Many funds on the market present themselves as “sustainable,” and ESG ratings are often discordant. Credibility on product information depends on alignment between the ESG Identity of Asset Managers and fund offerings, thus ensuring consistency between statements and practices.

On Nov. 18, 2024, the Scientific Committee of ESG.IAMA, the authoritative guarantor of the principles of independence and consistency of the ESG.IAMA standard, was officially presented at the reserved day of salone.SRI on the Italian Stock Exchange, with the purpose of validating the results and performing advisory functions for the further development of the methodology and the overall project.

The Scientific Committee is now enriched with the presence of Assoreti, the Association of Investment Advisory Companies, which will be represented by Angela Maria Carozzi, Assoreti’s Head of Legal and Regulatory Affairs. With this new membership, ESG.IAMA’s Scientific Committee brings together the majority of the main players in the financial market, starting with the associations of Social Security Institutions and Pension Funds, Insurance ompanies and Banking Networks, and ending with those of Asset Managers, Private Markets, and Corporates.

Together with Assoreti, The Scientific Committee is now composed of high-profile members of academia, finance and industry:
Riccardo Realfonzo, economist and university professor, Assofondipensione’s Technical Committee Coordinator (Scientific Committee Chairman)
Luca Testoni, ET.Group’s Founder (Secretary of the Scientific Committee)
Margherita Bianchini, Assonime’s Deputy Director General
Angela Maria Carozzi, Assoreti’s Head of the Legal and Regulatory Office
Innocenzo Cipolletta, Aifi’s President
Sergio Corbello, Assoprevidenza’s President
Massimo Giusti, Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile’s President
Manuela Mazzoleni, Assogestioni’s Sustainability and Human Capital Director
Alessandra Pasquoni, Ania’s Finance Manager

Riccardo Realfonzo commented, “The presence of Assoreti further strengthens the authority of the ESG.IAMA Scientific Committee. This will allow us to proceed even more calmly in the complex task we have taken on: ensuring that the ESG.IAMA standard correctly and rigorously measures the ESG quality of Asset Managers, going beyond the simple analysis of the financial products issued by the Asset Managers themselves. And this in order to provide accurate information to investors in a market where the ESG form of financial products does not always match the substance”.

Angela Maria Carozzi commented, “Assoreti is actively engaged in monitoring regulatory developments and accompanying Investment Advisory Companies in adapting to ESG standards. We are pleased to be able to contribute to the work of the ESG.IAMA Scientific Committee, an initiative that we believe is relevant to the development of a framework that promotes the alignment of asset management practices with the highest principles of sustainability and integrity”.

Download the press release here.