Services for the Asset Owner
Asset Owner’s solution
The world of finance faces a phase of great change and entropy. The issue of sustainability is shifting from the product to Asset Managers as companies. ESG Identity is emerging as a crucial variable to enable the system to identify Asset Managers that are truly ESG and consistent with their offerings. This makes it possible to distinguish critically among the tide of “sustainable” products that has filled the market and to protect against possible risks due to reputational and credibility crises of the Asset Managers to whom capital has been entrusted. To do this, it is necessary to assess the Asset Manager as a company, it is necessary to know every aspect of it, from governance, board and policy, to investment processes, engagement, voting, and finally to the offering.
The ESG.IAMA project is the first global quantitative standard for assessing the ESG Identity of Asset Managers. Designed for the system, it enables the Asset Owner to improve decision-making in selecting the Asset Managers entrusted to invest its capital and to gain detailed knowledge on the Asset Mangers’ practices, to better monitor and engage with them.
ESG.IAMA is free to access and doesn’t require any actions from the Asset Owner.
Click here to see who is already taking advantage of ESG.IAMA, and write to clientservice@esgiama.com for more information on how to get the data.