November 25, 2024Assoprevidenza, the Italian Association for Supplementary Pensions, has approved an agreement with ET.Group – ESG Knowledge Company, thanks to which all ESG.IAMA data and results will be shared with the Association itself and its member pension and welfare forms (subject to authorization from the required Asset Managers). This allows the world of supplementary…
July 24, 2024Assofondipensione has approved the agreement thanks to which all the data and scores of Asset Managers participating in ESG.IAMA will be shared with the Association itself, and its 32 member pension funds, to be used for bidding and mandate renewal activities, and which will allow, more generally, an effective ESG engagement of Asset…
February 1, 2024The ESG.IAMA standard became available to all European Asset Owners by joining the platform. This is a notable step, as for the first time all parties using the platform (Pension Funds, Insurance Companies, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Central Banks, Commercial Banks, Private Banks, Fund Selectors, Family Offices) will be able to go beyond…