May 16, 2024

This week saw the launch of the third edition of ESG.IAMA (ESG Identity Asset Manager Assessment), a scientific project developed by the salon.SRI.

This is the first quantitative index that has set out to measure the ESG Identity of the Asset Managers, which includes the set of distinctive elements of an entity, starting from its organizational structure (governance) to the ESG consistency and coherence of its offering to the market, passing through the ways in which the entity thinks (its ESG corporate culture) and engages on the sustainable front (its ESG purpose).

The standard is now on its way to becoming the benchmark for Asset Managers’ ESG Identity, and it is no coincidence that the entire institutional world is following developments in the project closely, and already several entities are using it to evaluate managers.

ESG.IAMA 2024 is in partnership with Open-Es and sponsored by Gianni & Origoni.

In this third edition, the proprietary questionnaire is 198 questions, with explanation at various points of the “ratios & concepts” that are sought to be gleaned from the research and with the Extraordinary Area, ESG Identity Extended, focusing this year on “Politics & Transition”. The latter area is subject to change each year, going to focus on the topics deemed most frontier, and in 2024 examines how the Asset Manager is influenced, and how it in turn influences, the polis and how much it focuses on transition activities, so not only on investing in what is sustainable now but also what will become sustainable in the future.

The deadline for completing the questionnaire is the end of July. Carrying out the assessment by that date allows the Asset Manager to take part in the ESG Identity Awards, which are the awards that no longer assess the simple sustainability of funds (which everyone does now) but the ESG Identity of the Asset Managers themselves. What’s new this year is that the Awards will be held at Borsa Italiana (Italian Stock Exchange), within the invitation-only first day of the salone.SRI 2024.